Our factories of Water Soluble NPKs and Liquid fertilizers are among the largest in Europe. Combining the solutions of our factories with those of our strategic partners, we created a network of high-quality facilities to offer you the widest range of high-quality products. Learn more about our company, product portfolio, and business units that are part of Van Iperen International in this video:
European network of producers

With a plant of 40.000 m2 , our sister company Transterminal Dordrecht (TTD) is one of the three largest WS NPK production facilities in Europe.
More about our WS NPK factory
Our sister company Euroliquids produces a broad range of innovative liquid fertilizers for foliar and fertigation including the formulation with biostimulants.
More about our liquid fertilizers factory
We work closely together with innovative producers of chelated Micronutrients. One of them being the leading Specialty Fertilizer company that is well-known for its range of patented products and production technologies.
More about our Micronutrients producers
Together with our strategic production partners we offer a full range of Water Soluble straights. Consistent high quality guaranteed.
More about our network of Straights producers