Notice: Function is_home was called incorrectly. Conditional query tags do not work before the query is run. Before then, they always return false. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.1.0.) in /srv/http/vii/www/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6085
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The information supplied by Van Iperen originates from sources that can be deemed reliable, however the correctness and completeness thereof cannot be guaranteed. The supplied information is exclusively of an indicative nature and can at any time be changed or terminated without any further notice.

Rights cannot be derived from the supplied information. Van Iperen cannot guarantee that the website functions erroneously or uninterruptedly. Van Iperen and the (possible) other suppliers do not accept any liability whatsoever for the content of this (these) site (sites) and the information supplied on the same. Van Iperen does not accept any liability whatsoever for the content of sites that are not maintained by Van Iperen and to which a link is provided or that link to the site (sites) of Van Iperen. Not all products advertised on this website may be approved for use in the user’s country. In case of doubt, the user should check with the local authorities.

The user of the information is responsible for the choice and the use of the information. Van Iperen reserves the right to deny you permission to use a specific service that is offered on the webpage. In this context Van Iperen can monitor the access to the webpage. The information can exclusively be used by the user. The user cannot transfer, reproduce, process or distribute the information. The user is held to comply with indications of Van Iperen concerning the use of the information. The content of this website cannot be copied freely; all copyrights are reserved.

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