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Oligo Iron-EDTA 13% - Van Iperen International Oligo Iron-EDTA 13% - Van Iperen International

Van Iperen Oligo Iron-EDTA 13% is a chelated single micronutrient fertilizer of high purity. Thanks to its unique patented raspberry-shaped microgranule, it is dust free, easy flowing and it dissolves rapidly. It is recommended to cure Iron deficiency on all crops.

  • Iron 100% chelated and fully available up to a pH of 6
  • Developed for foliar application. Also suitable for fertigation in open field and greenhouses


  • Rapidly dissolvable at high concentration
  • Low on Sodium and Chloride
  • Raspberry shaped, light brown microgranules
  • Patented micro granulation process
  • Easy to handle, dissolve and apply


In 1.000 l stock solution Fe in g Fe in mmol
0.1 kg 13 0.23
0.5 kg 65 1.16
1.0 kg 130 2.33
1.5 kg 195 3.49


Crop Application date Min kg/ha/season Max kg/ha/season
2 - 3 applications:
• During 4 - 6 leaves stage
• During vegetative growth
10 20
3 applications:
• During plant establishment
• During vegetative growth
30 40
3 - 5 applications:
• During fruit filling
• During fruit colouring
• During post harvest period
20 30
2 - 3 applications:
• During 4 - 6 leaves stage
• During vegetative growth
10 20
3 applications:
• During flower bud opening
• During fruit filling
• During post harvest period
2 4
Stone fruit
3 applications:
• During fruit filling
• During vegetative growth
• During post harvest period
2 15

Foliar Application

Crop Application date Min kg / ha / appl Max kg / ha / appl Conc. % (w/v))
Fruit trees (preventive)
1 application:
• During fruit setting
0.3 0.4 0.02 - 0.10
Fruit trees (curative)
2 - 3 applications:
• As of 1st symptoms of chlorosis
0.3 0.4 0.02 - 0.10
Vegetables (preventive)
1 application:
• As of generative growth
0.2 0.3 0.02 - 0.10
Vegetables curative
2 applications:
• As of 1st symptoms of chlorosis
0.3 0.6 0.02 - 0.10
2 - 3 applications:
• As of 1st symptoms of chlorosis
0.6 0.9 0.02 - 0.10
2 - 3 applications:
• As of 1st symptoms of chlorosis
0.6 0.9 0.02 - 0.10

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Compatible with other fertilizers. The pH of the tank solution should be above 4.