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Potassium Sulphate (SOP) - Van Iperen International Potassium Sulphate (SOP) - Van Iperen International

Van Iperen Potassium Sulphate (SOP) Horticultural Grade is a highly pure Potassium fertilizer, which dissolves rapidly and completely. Our product is not sensitive to caking and is recommended during fruit or tuber development and up until maturation, and during coloring of fruits. The high level of Potassium in our formula plays an essential role in achieving higher quality yields.

  • Improves fruit quality, shelf life and increases plant drought resistance
  • Limits vegetative growth as of fruit setting
  • Developed for fertigation in open field and greenhouses. Also suitable for foliar application


  • Low on heavy metals
  • Low on Sodium and Chloride
  • Easy to handle, dissolve and apply


Kg in 1.000 l stock solution K2O in kg SO3 in kg1
25 12.7 11.2
50 25.5 22.5
75 38.2 33.7
100 51 45


Crop Application date Min kg/ha/season Max kg/ha/season
Fruit trees
• As of fruit setting
• Until 4 weeks before harvesting
150 350
• As of plant establishment
• During entire fertigation program
300 500
Citrus (adult)
• As of fruit setting
• Until 4 weeks before harvesting
200 400
• As of tuber setting
• Until tuber filling
100 200
Vineyards (adult)
• As of flower bud opening
• Until 4 weeks before harvesting
100 250
• As of vegetative growth
• Until fruit filling
170 300
Fruit vegetables
• As of vegetative growth
• Until 4 weeks before harvesting
100 300
• During entire fertigation program 200 300

Foliar Application

Crop Application date Min kg / ha / appl Max kg / ha / appl Conc. % (w/v))
Fruit trees
3 - 5 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• 14 - 21 days interval
7 10 1.0 - 2.0
3 - 5 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• 14 - 21 days interval
9 12 2.0 - 3.0
3 - 5 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• 14 - 21 days interval
9 12 2.0 - 3.0
3 applications:
• As of 3 weeks after planting
• 10 - 14 days interval
4 6 1.0 - 3.0
Leafy crops
3 applications:
• As of 4 weeks after planting
• Until vegetative growth
• 10 - 14 days interval
5 8 0.5 - 1.0
2 - 3 applications:
• As of second half of the season
• 7 - 10 days interval
5 8 2.0 - 3.0
Table grape
3 - 5 applications:
• As of fruit setting
• 14 - 21 days interval
7 10 1.5 - 2.0
Fruit vegetables
1 - 3 applications:
• During vegetative growth
• As of fruit setting
• 10 - 14 days interval
5 8 0.5 - 1.0
3 applications:
• As of 4 weeks after seeding
• 10 - 14 days interval
3 5 1.5 - 2.5
3 applications:
• As of 4 weeks after seeding
• 10 - 14 days interval
5 8 2.0 - 3.0
1 - 2 applications:
• As of vegetative growth
• Until beginning of flowering
3 6 1.0 - 1.5

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Compatible with other fertilizers, with the exception of Calcium fertilizers. Therefore a separate tank is needed or fertilizers should be applied on different times.

Fertilizing Knowledge

Factory of Van Iperen partner Lovochemie

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